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Vabilo na seminar {Rudolfovo: »Life cycle assessment: Theory and Practical applications« doc. dr. Jelene Topić Božič

{Rudolfovo – Znanstveno in tehnološko središče Novo mesto vabi, da se udeležite znanstvenega seminarja z naslovom »Life cycle assessment: Theory and Practical applications«, ki ga bo predstavila doc. dr. Jelena Topić Božič.

Seminar bo v četrtek, 29. avgusta 2024, ob 10.00 v dvorani K01 Razvojnega centra Novo mesto.


»Life cycle assessment (LCA), or life cycle analysis, is a pivotal method for evaluating the environmental impacts of a product, process, or service across its entire life cycle. This includes the extraction of raw materials, production, use, and post-use phases. In the seminar, principles and fundamental steps of LCA will be presented and practical applications based on the latest published articles will be shown.«

Vljudno vabljeni! Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.

Dodatne informacije: doc. dr. Jelena Topić Božič,, Katja Sinur

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