Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dolores Modic

I'm Dolores Modic, Head of the Centre for Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property. I am an Associate Professor in Slovenia and Norway (Nord University). During my career, I have been a Fulbright Scholar in the USA at UNC Chapel Hill (2015) and a JSPS Research Fellow at Kyushu University, Japan (2016-2018).
I regularly publish my research in leading scholarly journals in the field of innovation and management, including Research Policy (AJG 4*, FTE50 journal list), and also participate as an ad hoc peer reviewer in evaluating articles for several reputed journals. So far, I have been involved in more than 15 international projects funded by agencies in Europe, USA and Asia. In these projects, I have fulfilled a variety of roles, ranging from author and project leader to work package leader, with a focus on innovation, technology transfer, intellectual property and the circular economy.
I am currently leading a working group in a project on Innovation and Intellectual Property for the Circular Economy and am actively involved in other IP-related projects. My work combines academic excellence with practical implementation to effectively support innovation and sustainable development.