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SPOZNAJ events in September and October 2023

{Rudolfovo is part of the SPOZNAJ consortium.

During the autumn period, the project will organise a series of presentations on open science, which will take place every Thursday from 10:30 to 12:00 via the Zoom platform.

The presentations are aimed at the general public, in particular research, professional and library staff. You are cordially invited!


Open Science in the European Research Area, replayZoom, 7 Sep 2023 at 10:30

mag. Miro Pušnik (Central Technical Library, University of Ljubljana)

Due to the great interest, we will start the autumn presentation series with a repeat of the presentation held on 23 June 2023 (you can watch the recording here). We will present the basic principles of open science policies in the European Research Area, namely:

  • Open Science provisions of the European Union funders

  • Open Access requirements for scientific publications

  • Sharing research under the FAIR principles

  • Fundamental principles for the handling of research data

  • Open Science Infrastructure and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)

  • Community involvement in scientific research processes and citizen science

  • Capacity building for open science

  • Reform of the evaluation of scientific research

  • Reform of copyright aspects


National open science legislationZoom, 14 Sep 2023 at 10:30

mag. Miro Pušnik (Central Technical Library, University of Ljubljana), Dr. Ivan Skubic (Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation)

The presentation will describe the Slovenian scientific policy in the field of open science, which is defined by the Law on Scientific Research and Innovation (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 186/21 and 40/23), the Regulation on the implementation of scientific research work in accordance with the principles of open science (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 59/23), and the Resolution on the Scientific Research and Innovation Strategy of Slovenia 2030 (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 49/22).The presentation will also include a presentation on the Slovenian scientific policy in the field of open science, which is set out in the Law on Scientific Research and Innovation (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. All the adopted acts introduce a concrete implementation of the principles of open science in the Slovenian research area, in line with the research policies of the European Research Area.


Research data management (for University of Maribor employees and students)MS Teams, 19 Sep 2023 at 10:00

mag. Dunja Legat and Brina Klemenčič (University Library Maribor)

Researchdata management is an important part of the research process. It covers all activities related to the research data lifecycle. Many research funding agencies and European research programmes now require us to submit a research data management plan. This presentation will cover open science, research data management, responsible data sharing, the FAIR principles and the European Open Science Cloud.


Slovenian Open Science CommunityZoom, 21 September 2023 at 10:30

mag. Dunja Legat and Brina Klemenčič (University Library Maribor)

The Slovenian Open Science Community is a formal network of Slovenian research organisations and infrastructures with the common goal of promoting and supporting open science practices in Slovenia. As such, it represents an important initiative for a national open science cloud. In this presentation we will learn about the role, organisation, core tasks and activities of the community.


Open publishing opportunities and benefits for the Slovenian academic communityZoom, 28 Sep 2023 at 10:30

mag. Miro Pušnik and Maja Vihar (Central Technical Library, University of Ljubljana), Herman Erčulj (National and University Library)

We will present the various open publishing options available to Slovenian researchers under national legislation, the requirements of funders in the European Research Area and the policies of some organisations of which Slovenia is a member (e.g. kOAlicija S, of which the Public Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation of the Republic of Slovenia is a member). We will present the transformation agreements and the resulting publication opportunities. We will also present the possibility of publishing in open access scientific journals and open publication platforms.


Open Research Europe Open Publication PlatformZoom, 12/10/2023 at 10:30

mag. Miro Pušnik (Central Technical Library, University of Ljubljana)

In this presentation we will learn about the possibility of open publications on the Open Research Europe (ORE) platform. ORE is the European Commission's platform for open publications funded through various European funding programmes for scientific research (e.g. Horizon Europe, ERC, Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions, etc.). We will present the types of scientific publications that can be published on this platform, the process of submitting scientific publications for publication and the peer review process.


Introduction to handling research dataUL and Zoom Conference Room, 17 October 2023 at 9:00

Dr Sonja Bezjak and mag. Irena Vipavc Brvar (Social Science Data Archive)

The lecture will take place in the framework of training courses on open science organised by the University of Ljubljana. It will cover the data lifecycle, research data management planning, data services and data publishing. The Social Science Data Archive, as an example of a national domain data repository certified as trusted, and the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) will also be presented. More detailed information about the lecture will be published shortly on the University of Ljubljana website.


Untrustworthy publishing practicesZoom, 19/10/2023 at 10:30

mag. Miro Pušnik (Central Technical Library, University of Ljubljana)

Contemporary scholarly publishing is confronted with practices that may have undesirable consequences for researchers, their institutions and funders. We will present some of the most untrustworthy publishing practices and the circumstances in which these practices arise. What are predatory journals or predatory publishers? What are hijacked journals? What are the methods of misleading researchers in scientific publications? We will learn about the methods and tools used to verify the credibility of scientific journals. We will also examine the practices of some of the established publishers that have generated much controversy and dilemma over their credibility in recent years.


The basic principles of the SCOAlicija Zoom, 26.10.2023 at 10:30

mag. Miro Pušnik and Maja Vihar (Central Technical Library, University of Ljubljana)

On 4 September 2018, a group of national funders of scientific research, supported by the European Commission and the European Research Council (ERC), established the kOAlicija S as an initiative to realise full and immediate open access to research publications, which they called Plan S. Plan S contains 10 important principles, and the CoAliation is also active in other areas of implementing modern methods of scholarly communication, such as the rights retention strategy.

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