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{Rudolfovo 2nd birthday!

Science and Technology Forum 2024: "Energy Challenges in the Light of the Green Transition" and inauguration of the newly established {LabE - Laboratory for Energy Management

On the occasion of its second birthday, the {Rudolfovo - Science and Technology Centre Novo mesto organised the Science and Technology Forum 2024: "Energy Challenges in the Light of the Green Transition" with the aim of contributing to solutions in the energy sector and responding to the challenges posed by the social situation, global economic relations and climate change.


The Director of {Rudolfovo, Prof. Dr. Janez Povh, the Mayor of the Municipality of Novo mesto, Mag. Gregor Macedoni and the Head of the Science Division of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Mag. Tanja Vertelj, addressed the guests of the Science and Technology Forum 2024 on the occasion of the second birthday of the Science and Technology Centre Novo mesto.


In the opening lectures of the Forum, top experts in the field of energy addressed the key challenges and perspectives for the decarbonisation of the Slovenian energy system. Dr. Jože Dimnik highlighted the diverse aspects of this process and stressed the importance of finding sustainable solutions, while Dr. Jaka Tušek from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, impressed with his insight into innovative cooling and heating technologies based on caloric effects in solids. In the technology section, Slavko Zupančič and Mitja Smešnik presented concrete examples of good practices in reducing environmental impacts and efficient use of energy from KRKA, d.d. This was followed by a presentation by Mag. Marek Bahor from HSE, who highlighted the strategic role of hydrogen as an alternative fuel in the future. In the scientific section, Dr. Jelena Topić Božič, researcher at {Rudolfovega}, presented a life cycle analysis and a concrete example of the analysis of the use of woody biomass for heating in Slovenia. Prof. Dr. Simon Muhič stressed the importance of nearly zero energy buildings as a key step towards a sustainable energy future.


This was followed by a roundtable discussion to address the energy challenges we face as a society. They discussed developments and innovations in the field of energy, which are manifested through in-depth testing of different energy sources, the development of our own energy management solutions, and the analysis of the life cycles of products and services, with a focus on energy needs.


As Slovenia is heavily dependent on energy imports and dependence on the energy market increases vulnerability and sensitivity to any changes, crises and upheavals, one of the answers to how we can strengthen our energy sovereignty lies in the smart management of energy resources, and this is the essence of the new fifth laboratory at {Rudolfovo. The Energy Management Laboratory - {LabE specialises in the development and testing of energy systems and advanced energy management technologies. The investment amounted to a total of € 90.000 from the Public Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation of the Republic of Slovenia. At the inauguration of the newly established {LabE, Mr Devid Palčič, Director of Robotina d.o.o., and Prof. Dr. Janez Povh, Director of {Rudolfovo, inaugurated the signing of the cooperation agreement.


Jure Kos, researcher and administrator of {LabE says: "At the Energy Management Lab, we focus on sustainable solutions that optimise efficiency and reduce negative environmental impacts. The lab is equipped with advanced engineering equipment including high quality battery systems, solar panels, gensets, inverters and energy management control systems. In addition, we have a supercapacitor for testing and instrumentation to accurately assess energy performance."


On the occasion of the second birthday of {Rudolfovo, Prof. Dr. Janez Povh, Director, emphasised, "In the two years since its foundation, {Rudolfovo has achieved several milestones. The initial team has grown by a factor of 8 and speaks 6 languages. We have upgraded the {LabTOP laboratory and set up 4 more laboratories. We are solving scientific and professional challenges in business and beyond, publishing results in scientific and professional literature, obtaining funding for small and large projects, joining reputable project consortia in Slovenia and internationally. Through all these activities, we are contributing our share to the great challenges of our time. {Rudolfovo is a full member of the consortium of research institutes in Slovenia, and is a member of European associations in the fields of robotics and automation, the circular economy and quantum computing. In 2024, 25% of our revenues will be generated through various projects, and we will increase this percentage every year. We will double the size of our team, which is our greatest asset, and set up at least one more laboratory in the future. With all the growth, one of the main professional challenges we will address at {Rudolf ovo will be the so-called double transition: digital and green."


On Wednesday 27 March 2024 {Rudolfovo is organising an Open Day for business representatives involved in product development, industrialisation, production or quality control to learn first-hand about 3D scanning technologies. The second part of the day will focus on a demonstration of the NIKON CT (computed tomography) scanner. Experts from {Rudolfovo and NIKON will present the machine and demonstrate its operation using concrete examples.

On Thursday 28 March 2024 , {Rudolfovo in cooperation with the Development Centre Novo mesto is organising a technical day for the pupils of Šmarjeta Primary School. The Lego Robot Assembly and Fun Programming workshops will be followed by a tour of the laboratories: the Laboratory for Factories of the Future - {LabTOP, the Augmented Reality Laboratory - {LabX, the 3D Technologies Laboratory - {Lab3D, the Materials Laboratory - {LabM and the new Energy Management Laboratory - {LabE.

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