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4 April 2023, Podbreznik 15, Novo mesto

On the occasion of its establishment last year, the {Rudolfovo - Science and Technology Centre Novo mesto co-organised the first Science and Technology Forum, then called Industry 4.0 Days in Practice, where, in cooperation with important representatives of the regional economic and educational environment, it highlighted the reasons for establishing such a public institution and proved that the plans of the then newly established entity were ambitious enough to deserve the attention and support of the wider environment.

This year's event will reinforce and build on the messages conveyed a year ago, all with the aim of raising awareness of the need to invest in research and development and in the transfer of knowledge from academic institutions to the economy, both at the level of Slovenia's economically leading region and of Slovenia as a whole.

The main theme of this year's Science and Technology Forum will be the challenges and solutions for digitisation in the economy.

A large part of the Slovenian economy internalised digitalisation as a necessity, no longer a strategic advantage, decades ago, and their experience is a valuable guide today, when the process of digital transformation has encompassed all pores of (Slovenian) society. We will also present the solutions of some of the most advanced and successful companies in the global environment at our event. These positive examples will encourage the event visitors to support digitisation processes more resolutely, either in the economy or in other important areas of development.

The {Rudolfovo Forum for Science and Technology will address a wide range of relevant audiences on 4 April 2023. These are primarily representatives of the regional and Slovenian economy, educational institutions from the SE Slovenia region, representatives of local communities, state authorities, as well as the media and other influential publics. On this day, we expect visits from prominent representatives of the state, local communities, business and science. The new Augmented Reality Laboratory will be officially opened during the Forum.

Join us, you are cordially invited!

Prof. Dr. Janez Povh, Director

R.S.V.P.: For the sake of better organisation, please let us know your arrival at the event no later than Friday, 31 March 2023, to:

Programme 4. 4. 2023

8.30 - 9.00 Arrival and gathering of guests

9.00 - 9.15 Addresses

Prof. Dr. Janez Povh, Director of JRZ Rudolfovo

prof. Gregor Macedoni, Mayor of the Municipality of Novo mesto

Dr. Jure Gašparič, State Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

Marko Lotrič, President of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia

9.15 - 9.45 Invited lecture:

Digitisation and new information and communication technologies

Prof. Dr. Andrej Kos, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering

9.45 - 10.20

Economy and science: allies in digitalization?

Prof. Dr. Janez Povh, Director of JRZ Rudolfovo 

Prof. Andrej Kos, UL FE University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering 

Dr. Tomaž Boh, Director General of the Directorate for Science at the Ministry of Science and Technology 

Franci Bratkovič, Director of the Novo mesto Development Centre 

Andreja Hlišč, Director of the Chamber of Electronic and Electroindustry, within the Chamber of Commerce and Industry

10.20 - 10.40 Coffee

10.40 - 11.20

Digitalisation in practice

Marjan Hosta, Iskra Pio d.o.o. 

Boštjan Gaberc, Mikrografija d. .o. o. 

Andrej Petrišič, Krka d.d. d. d. 

Andrej Mertelj, Datalab d.d. d. d. 

Dr. Krištof Debeljak, JRZ Rudolfovo

11.20 - 11.45

Official opening of the new Augmented Reality Technology Lab.

11.45 - 12.30 Lunch break

12.30 - 13.30

Key technologies and solutions for digitisation I

Dr. Matjaž Roblek, Domel d.d.: Introducing AI in production planning 

Matjaž Demšar, Siemens: Digitisation and challenges in the convergence of IT and OT services

Barbara Wilkesmann Hočevar, Chements d.o.o. : 3D printing in smart factories and the Industry 5.0 concept.

Dr. Hanuma Reddy Tiyyagura, JRZ Rudolfovo : 3D printing and its use in medicine

13:30 - 13:45 Coffee

13.45 - 14.45

Key technologies and solutions for digitisation II

Dr. Pavel Tomšič, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Supercomputing in Slovenia

Mag. Tomaž Blatnik, Revoz d.d.: Introducing industrial robotics - WHEN and WHY? 

Mag. Josip Kos, Topomatika: Advanced 3D measurement technologies for industrial applications 

Mag. Tatjana Koleša, Development Centre Novo mesto: SRC-EDIH, an accelerator for digitalization of the economy and local self-government

14.45 - 15.00 Closing of the event



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