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Invitation to the event: {Rudolfovo - Science and Technology Centre Novo mesto on its first anniversary


The {Rudolfovo Science and Technology Centre in Novo mesto celebrates its first anniversary.

The creation of the institution, which would bring together the actors of the development of Slovenia's leading economic region, has been stimulated by a series of projects involving companies and institutions from all over Slovenia. The achievements, and above all the plans of one of Slovenia's youngest public research institutions, will be highlighted at the second Rudolfovo Science and Technology Forum, which will take place between 4 and 7 April 2023.

We invite you to the main event on Tuesday, 4 April 2023, when we will put the CHALLENGES and SOLUTIONS for more digitisation in the economy at the centre of the discussions. We will be highlighting this highly topical issue from several angles, and our speakers will be prominent figures from business, regional institutions, education and politics.We would be delighted to have you with us and to hear from you in this way, as well as to show your commitment to the key development issues of our region and the country as a whole.

Prof. Dr. Janez Povh, Director

For better organisation, please let us know your arrival no later thanFriday, 31 March 2023, to:



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