{Rudolfovo Innovation and Technology Transfer Day, 9 January 2024
On Tuesday 9 January 2024, we hosted outstanding speakers and created a memorable experience together with our colleagues.
Our team delivered on the objectives of the event with full momentum:
To highlight {Rudolfovo key role in transferring knowledge to the economy;
to explore additional opportunities to contribute to the translation of knowledge into practice; and
identify gaps and develop strategies to address them.
Special thanks to all the speakers who shared their valuable experience in the form of presentations:
Dr. Levin Pal, Public Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation of the Republic of Slovenia: "University - Industry Technology transfer - Why bother?",
Bernhard Koch, BOKU, Vienna: "Technology transfer insights: From idea generation to navigating the technology transfer process".
and Tatjana Zabasu Mikuž, SC Ventures: "Funding the commercialization of science".
With their expertise, we explored new opportunities and gained deeper insights into innovation and technology transfer.
