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AI4VET4AI project successfully launched to develop a skilled workforce in artificial intelligence

The AI4VET4AI (AI-powered Next Generation of VET) project, a large-scale project bringing together 26 partners from 11 European countries, was launched at the beginning of the summer with the aim of supporting and stimulating the growth of a skilled workforce in Artificial Intelligence (AI) by June 2027.


A transnational European Platform for Excellence in VET has been set up in a partnership of VET providers, research centres, companies and associations. The main objective of this platform is to address the current knowledge gap in the field of artificial intelligence and contribute to the digital transformation of the EU labour market.

The field of AI is seeing a huge increase in demand for human resources, with forecasts of 97 million new jobs to be created by 2025. The AI4VET4AI project aims to improve the knowledge and skills available in this field at national, regional and European level and to raise awareness of the potential that AI offers in the regions.

The project activities will involve different target groups to create and implement innovative learning content and methods for VET. In addition, the project will set up 11 innovation campuses and 7 AI innovation incubators for VET.

The project started with a comprehensive survey of the AI skills gap in the participating countries. It will continue by building local AI innovation ecosystems and raising awareness on the subject. A number of events, both live and online, are planned over the coming years to promote and build alliances with important pan-European AI networks.

Connecting and engaging the various relevant stakeholders, including decision makers, is key to a synergistic approach and sufficient acceleration of innovation. The AI4VET4AI project will bring a number of benefits, including increased awareness of AI and increased adult learning opportunities, enabling individuals to be more competitive in the labour market in a rapidly changing digital world.

The AI4VET4AI project, coordinated by Algebra College in Croatia, will run for 4 years and is supported by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Partnership for Excellence - Centres of Vocational Excellence programme. The project consortium includes partners from Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Turkey and Ireland.

More information on AI4VET4AI is available on the official website of the project: 

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