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Strengthening the development of industrial symbiotic networks in Slovenia - the transition to a circular economy

ARIS project: ARRS-RPROJ-JR-PRIJAVA/2023/375

Period of validity: 01. 10. 2023 - 30. 9. 2026


The essence of the project is to explore and develop the basis and guidelines for the transition of enterprises and industrial ecosystems in Slovenia towards a circular economy. The project is based on the identification of linkages between different organisations, in particular companies, and the exploitation of scrap and secondary parts of products for their re-use.

Key elements of this project:

  • Empirical analysis of existing social linkages: The project starts with an analysis of existing social linkages between companies and other actors in Slovenia. By mapping the research population, insights are gained into entrepreneurial entities, including their size, location, sector and core activity. This analysis is based on content and network analysis and provides an understanding of the current linkages and relationships between stakeholders.

  • Determining the conditions for the creation of industrial symbiotic networks: The project focuses on identifying the key conditions necessary for the creation of complex industrial symbiotic networks. Key actors that have a role in the creation of such networks are involved. The project team will examine the available data and analyse the potential environmental impacts, in particular on the thermal treatment of municipal waste.

  • The project aims to develop a model that will serve as a guideline for companies and other stakeholders in the entrepreneurial ecosystem to realise industrial symbiosis and its networks. This model will explore how industrial symbiosis can be realised in South East Slovenia and then be scaled up across the country. For this analysis, an appropriate computer tool will be used to simulate industrial symbiosis networks.

The main objective of the project is to stimulate industrial cooperation between companies and other actors and to contribute to a more efficient and sustainable use of resources, the reduction of carbon emissions and the development of business models in the context of the circular economy. This is important in the light of the challenges faced by government, business, academia and civil society with regard to limiting climate change and the sustainable use of resources.


The project team is highly interdisciplinary and excels in terms of scientific professionalism and publications, ensuring the successful implementation of the project.

The lead research organisation is the Rudolf - Science and Technology Centre Novo mesto, which collaborates with the Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto and the Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto.

Project leader.

Other members:


The project activities include the following steps:

  • The initial phase of the project includes a case study, where the existing social links between companies and stakeholders in Slovenia are analysed. This includes mapping and analysis of contextual and network data such as firm size, location, sector and activities.

  • The project team will work with relevant actors that are key to the creation of industrial symbiotic networks. The aim is to identify the conditions and potential impact on the environment and thermal treatment of municipal waste.

  • The development of a model of attributes and guidelines for stakeholders involves the development of a model that will serve as a guideline for stakeholders operating in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. This model will allow the simulation of industrial symbiotic networks and will take into account social aspects such as institutions, social networks and cognitive frameworks.

  • The project team will focus on exploring the impact of social capital on corporate decisions to move towards a circular economy. Social capital can influence trust between actors and decisions in companies.

  • The project will involve raising awareness and informing companies about the benefits of eco-design, sustainable business and the transition to a circular economy. The aim is to increase understanding of these concepts among companies.

  • The project will involve different stakeholders at national, regional and local level, including government authorities, civil society, and private enterprises. The cooperation of these stakeholders is crucial for the successful implementation of the circular economy.

  • The project team will evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with the transition to a circular economy, including thermal treatment of municipal waste.

  • The research will analyse the interactions between educational/research institutions, industry and governmental bodies. The triple helix model will be used to study innovation and economic development in the knowledge society.

The project will be implemented on the basis of 5 planned work packages (WP/WP):

WP1: The first phase of the project (WP1) consists of a review and analysis of the relevant scientific and professional literature in the field. The analysis of case studies in this phase will reveal both formal and informal social processes, networking and conditions for cooperation, including partnerships and different strategies for improving networks. The second phase will analyse in depth the networking processes in Slovenia, focusing on the long-term dynamic context. Based on these findings, a table of guidelines and methodologies for the development of advanced networks and industrial symbioses will be developed for organisations seeking such collaborations.

DP2: As part of the empirical part of the research (WP2), we will conduct qualitative interviews with specific stakeholders in the field of waste management in Slovenia (20 interviews between different regions). We will explore how and why to develop industrial symbiosis and its networks in Slovenia, and which factors influence the establishment and maintenance of cooperation between organisations. We will use the snowball method and follow a "quadruple helix approach" involving academics, business people, policy makers, decision makers and civil society. In addition, we will analyse case studies and collect and analyse data to synthesise and interpret the results.

DP3: Developing a conceptual model of the social fields of a potential industrial symbiosis and operationalising the key features (WP3):

Based on the social fields and the economic and environmental attributes, a conceptual model of participation in an industrial symbiosis will be developed, which will be the basis for operationalisation and the preparation of a data collection plan.

DP4: In the fourth step of the project (WP4), methods will be applied to analyse the results and build the model using a software tool. Using detailed data from the case studies, we will gather information on barriers, activities, social drivers and motivational approaches for comparison and use in other case studies. On this basis, we will identify specific changes in industrial symbiosis systems in Slovenia. Using an expert decision support tool called the Expert Decision Method, we will simulate the best solutions for collaboration and networking and identify the key features of these cases.

DP5: Dissemination, communication and follow-up (WP5)

The project will ensure dissemination and communication of progress and results - through existing publications and social media (including the existing Rudolf website and social profiles of the project applicant and project partners), participation in two or more conferences per year, and publication of papers.


DŽAJIĆ URŠIČ, Erika, MUHIČ, Simon, RONČEVIĆ, Borut, FRIC, Urška, PANDILOSKA JURAK, Alenka. Encouraging the development of Industrial Symbiosis Networks - Transition to Circular Economy. In: Crises and empowerment in social transformations : book of abstracts : 16th Slovenian Social Science Conference 2023, School of Advanced Social Studies, 26-27 October 2023. Nova Gorica: School of Advanced Social Studies, 2023. p. 26. 


  • The 10th Danube Participation DAY - Ukraine's recovery towards EU membership, was held live on 23 October 2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This year's Participation Day, as an official side event of the 12th Annual EU Danube Strategy Forum, aimed to answer the question: "How can the EU Danube Strategy strengthen civil society and local actors for a sustainable recovery towards EU membership and what can we learn from/for Moldova? Dr. Alenka P. Jurak, Associate Professor, attended the event on behalf of the group.

  • The 12th EUSDR Annual Forum, which took place from 24 to 25 October 2023 in Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia, was an exceptional platform to discuss the future of the Danube Region and its "youth power" from different perspectives. The Forum addressed a number of key topics including European enlargement, cooperation, sustainability and innovation. The Forum offered plenty of opportunities to discuss key topics related to the future of the Danube Region, closely linked (in my case) to the concept of the circular economy. - The 12th EUSDR Annual Forum was a key event for the Centre for the Circular Economy, as it is closely linked to the EUSDR. EUSDR's strategy emphasises sustainable development and environmentally oriented policies, which fits perfectly with the Centre's objectives and activities. - The link with EU environmental policy is an important part of Rudolf's mission. The Forum provided insights into current trends and policy orientations that will shape the future of the circular economy. - Participation in the Forum allowed networking with experts and organisations that are at the forefront of research and innovation in support of the circular economy. - The Forum provided an opportunity to monitor trends and new research on the circular economy, technology transfer, digitisation and the factory of the future, which will help the Centre to shape its strategies and programmes for the future. - At the same time, participation in the Forum maintained existing and established new links and partnerships with DR experts, which at the same time allowed us to consult for upcoming projects.

  • The project team participated in the 16th Slovenian Social Science Conference in Ljubljana from 25-26 October 2023, where the paper "Encouraging the development of Industrial Symbiosis Networks - Transition to Circular Economy" was presented.

  • 10. 11. 2024 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Urška Fric successfully defended the research "Encouraging the Development of Industrial Symbiosis Networks - Transition to CE"- Test Environment for the Implementation of the Circular Economy.

  • We successfully completed our expert visits on Friday, 8.12.2023. On this special day we had the honour to visit two outstanding related institutes on the Coast: the InnoRenew CoE and the ZRS Koper, which played a key role in our engagement in the ARIS project - "Strengthening the development of industrial symbiotic networks in Slovenia - transition to a circular economy" (ARRS-RPROJ-JRP application/2023/375). The excursion provided direct insight and exchange of ideas with InnoRenew CoE and ZRS Koper, institutions that play a key role in the development of sustainable innovation and the circular economy.Collaboration with experts in the fields of renewable materials, olive growing and humanities directly supported our research objectives within the ARIS project. The experience and insights gained during the excursion will enable us to take an even more informed and integrated approach to the implementation of symbiotic networks in the industrial sector and to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

  • On 14.12. we visited Infineon Technologies Austria GmbH. The visit was important for Rudolfova and our ARIS project (Strengthening the Development of Industrial Symbiotic Networks in Slovenia - Transition to a Circular Economy), as Infineon Technologies Austria GmbH in Bialystok revealed advanced approaches to Industry 4.0 with its own presentation and underlined the importance of sustainable development. This is directly linked to our ARIS project, which focuses on the transition of companies and industrial ecosystems towards a circular economy.

Would you like to help us with your expertise?

Your opinion, suggestions, experience can be very valuable = please contact us.

Perhaps you are researching similar topics yourself, are an NGO working to ensure a better and healthier environment, or perhaps you have gained experience on the topic of the project elsewhere? We would welcome your opinion, comments and suggestions on how to combine synergies to create the conditions for responsible individuals, society and a proper relationship with nature.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erika Džajić Uršič;

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